We launch novel TEV protease FRET activity assay kit for easy to use and precise measurements of TEV protease activity and quality control.
Check out our specific FRET-based substrates for various proteases such as TEV, HRV3C/Prescission or Caspase 3. They are easy to use and compatible with high throughput screening applications.
We offer cold-adapted form of Arctic-TEV protease with higher activity and thermal stability. This in house developed enzyme shows a superior activity/costs ratio at 6°C. Fully GMP compliant product.
Infekční analýza přímo z přisátého klíštěte. Více →
Diagnostika patogenních mikroorganizmů pomocí izotermální amplifikace LAMP a RT-LAMP. Více →
„Protean's high-quality antigens provide the basis for production of robust and highly competitive IVD diagnostic kits.“
M. Fortova, CEO, Vidia Ltd. Více ohlasů →